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The Hidden Life of Trees

December 7, 2021January 9, 2022

Back By Popular Demand! Jan 7 & 8 at 6:45 at the IU Fine Arts Theater       Sunday Matinee! Jan 9 at 4pm at the IU Fine Arts Theater

Are trees able to talk? Do they have a memory and a social life? The forester and bestselling author Peter Wohlleben gets to the bottom of these questions and opens our eyes to the hidden world of the woods.

The whole world is talking about the environment, but frequently fails to listen to nature itself. Peter Wohlleben has changed all that: in The Hidden Life of Trees he opens our eyes to the hidden world of the woods. When Peter Wohlleben published his book in 2015, he stormed all the bestseller charts; no-one had ever written about the German woods and recognized trees as living in solidarity as part of a community.

We humans can only survive if the woods are healthy. The eleventh hour may already be upon us.

Germany / 2021 / 96 min)


Tickets: only $8

Covid Protocols: Filmgoers must be vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination. This includes IU students, faculty and staff. (You can photograph your vaccination card and show it to us on your phone.)
Filmgoers must wear masks in the theater. Seating will be capped at 35% of capacity.
Where Are Films Shown?     Where Can I Park for free on Campus?     Any other Questions? Send an email to editor@TheRyder.com


December 7, 2021
January 9, 2022
Event Category: