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Bird People / Oct 24, 25, 26
October 10, 2014 – October 26, 2014

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Oct 24, 25, 26 Scroll down for times and locations
In a Paris airport zone, two strangers try to make sense out of their lives in this unlikely Cinderella story. Josh Charles (The Good Wife) plays an American in Paris attempting to start his life anew in this drama from France’s Pascale Ferran. Anais Demoustier as co-stars a young woman working as a maid in the airport hotel in which Charles is staying. She’s fascinated by the inner lives of the guests, which in part leads her up to the roof of the hotel one night where something very unexpected happens. French filmmaker Pascale Ferran is best known for her adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterly.” Most of the film is in English although French and Japanese are spoken with subtitles. Also starring Clark Johnson from “The Wire.” (127 min)
There are plot twists, and then there is what Ms. Ferran does here, which is to transform — impetuously, improbably and altogether marvelously — this somber, realistic tale into something else entirely.
It’s also just magnificently goofy, unafraid to court ridicule and confident enough to take captivating detours
Firmly rooted in everyday particulars — primarily the transactions (business, emotional, or otherwise) facilitated by the time- and space-obliterating devices to which we are constantly tethered — Ferran’s movie dares to venture, for much of its second half, into fantasy.
Fri, Oct 24
Bird People 6:45 @ IU Woodburn
Diplomacy 7:30 @ IU Fine Arts
Sat & Sun, Oct 25 & 26 – Last Chance!
Bird People 4:15 & 6:45 @ Woodburn
Diplomacy 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 @ IU Fine Arts