Burlesque and the The No-Wave, Post No-Wave Career of Beth B. ● by Joan Hawkins
Beth B. comes out of the edgy DIY movement that started in New York in the mid-1970s. Like a lot of people in her generation she started out in art school, but the art school scene irritated her. “Art seemed a bit frivolous, an aesthetic indulgence to which I no longer felt connected. I began to question art as a valid form of expression. I had a kind of idealism.” She dropped out of art school and at the age of 18, went to Israel to study at the Jerusalem University. It was 1973 and when the Yom Kippur war broke out she left school altogether. For 8 months she hitchhiked back and forth in the war zone, “picking up soldiers with their Uzis and tanks, talking to people on both sides.” Toward the end of the war, her Israeli boyfriend disappeared. (more…)